SPS Pros is an online store for you to easily purchase refurbished replacement Standby Power Supply (SPS) units with brand new batteries for your EMC CLARiiON and VNX systems, as well as refurbished, fully-tested hard drives and components for EMC, EqualLogic, IBM, and NetApp. We guarantee our products free from defects for 60 days after the purchase date.
SPS Pros is dedicated to providing high quality standby power supplies for EMC CX & VNX series storage arrays. As a part of our commitment to being green, we require all purchases to be accompanied by the return of the SPS being replaced. We provide a return shipping label free of charge with all SPS units we ship out. All old battery cores are recycled responsibly and replaced with industry leading batteries with a less than 1% failure rate. Every battery core is tested and recorded with its serial number to ensure the best quality of product is delivered to our customers. SPS Pros offers quick processing, and most orders ship out the same day they are purchased.
SPS Pros Recycling program takes back your dead SPS units as well!
We sell more than SPS units! We also sell the following:

EMC Fibre Channel HDDs
EMC SSD Hard Drives
EMC Power Supplies
EMC Replacement SPS
EMC Storage Systems

EqualLogic SAS HDDs
EqualLogic SATA HDDs
EqualLogic HDD Trays
EqualLogic Controllers
EqualLogic Power Supplies
EqualLogic Storage Systems
Learn more about our company by viewing our Company Overview page.